Évről évre egyre több országban válik törvényessé az azonos nemű párok házassága és sokan közülük Instagram-követőikkel is megosztják esküvőjük számukra legemlékezetesebb pillanatait. Íme egy kis válogatás a nap végére a feledhetetlen élményekből.
One year ago today, @johnhalbach and I said „I do” at Keys View in Joshua Tree National Park. Today, we drove out to the same spot to look out at the San Jacinto mountains and the Salton Sea, braving a rainstorm in the desert to say „I still do.” I was struck by how perfect a metaphor for marriage it was, to find happiness in the midst of turmoil, to stick through adversity together, to cherish the past and look toward the future. It’s a little corny, but I think it’s more important than ever to appreciate these moments in the tumultuous time we are occupying in this country. I am so grateful to have found the love of my life, someone I can navigate this road with, the kindest man I know, a man that inspires me to be a better person, to treat others better, to treat myself better. I’m also grateful to our pal @cathybaroness for capturing our wedding so beautifully — so grateful to have such great pictures to help us remember the day!
Kit (@kitwilliamson) által megosztott bejegyzés, 2017. Febr 27., 16:53 PST