Fontos, hogy elfogadással gondoljunk a testünkre, függetlenül annak méreteitől, formáitól.
Miközben Instagramon tökéletesen idegen emberek hasizmában és bicepszeiben gyönyörködünk, a The Travelin’ Bum az emberi anatómia egy egészen más tájára fókuszál – a popóra.
Míg a kidolgozott felsőtesthez rendszerint arc is járul, a The Travelin’ Bum kizárólag popsikkal és személyes történetekkel foglalkozik.
Mutatunk is párat:
Want to show love to our female followers! „Four years ago, we did not know the value of Barton’s or think of each other when we heard Timber. Four years later, our purple family has grown from a group of girls on the same floor to one that holds memories that will last a lifetime. In this short amount of time, we have grown collectively and individually. We have discovered the toxicity of a gin and tonic, the necessity of a Tim Horton’s breakfast sandwich on Sunday morning, and the importance of time. We’ve realized that often times, the library is more of a place to socialize than to work, and that’s ok. But most all, the last four years has brought together a group of random girls from across New York State and confirmed our love for each other and ourselves. Cheers to 4 years!” #NiagaraForever #thetravelinbummademedoit
@thetravelinbum által megosztott bejegyzés, 2017. Márc 17., 06:22 PDT
„Im from a conservative town close to Buenos Aires. Big family, 5 sisters, 2 brothers and of course a few dogs. Fights and laughter were always there. Growing between artists, nurses and health professionals didnt make it easy for a path to choose.” „So many options, so many passions… At the age of 17, I had my first experience with a camera. My love for photography started to emerge and the idea of coming out from the closet which I knew would break some hearts. I’ve been always hungry to see the world, I traveled as much as I could. Of course the economy of the 3rd world didn’t help me to get the necesarly equipment, so it took me a few years before I could buy my first camera. Jobs and lessons came together and suddenly my whole universe was upside down.” „Photography was the perfect tool for me to stop wishing and starting to see the beauty on this world. „Seeing”, became „Sharing”. And „sharing” is becoming „helping”. I’m now searching for the better way to help people in need doing what I love, photography.” #travel #traveling #photooftheday #photography #photographer #pride
@thetravelinbum által megosztott bejegyzés, 2016. Máj 23., 05:21 PDT